Tired as a tired thing today as I have put 11 roosters in the fridge and that, believe me, is rather a lot of work. But I have been MIA with the blog lately so here you go, a few pictures just to keep everyone going.
Three coil baskets I have made this week. I love this kind of basket making! |
Having said that, I have never made such tiny ones before! |
Seriously, how many people try to push something like this that they have to put a great big sign on it? |
Spicy goat pasties going into the oven for lunch. Mmmmmm pasties! |
Devin at his school workstation. Do you have any idea how hard it is to invent THREE computer workstations in a house only 800 sq ft under air? They are all very pleased with what I came up with though so job well done, me. |
Amanda at her newly made workstation. Take two salvaged deck boards and two bedside tables, some pretty fabric and Hey PRESTO!!! a desk is made! Home School, as you can see, is going well. |
Simon Vampire at his school workstation. Count Symula! |
Homemade cranberry bread is OMG good! |
The fur blankets, beneath which hides a Simon. |
I was THRILLED to find these on one of my banana plants. |
Sith can come in any color, seemingly. |
"Captain Kirk, there's a duck following us!" We managed, through no skill of our own, to take one glow in the dark duck, one egg candler flashlight, one darkened room and a camera phone and got Orbital Duck Swings Past The Sun. It makes me laugh every time I look at it. |
****** contents deleted by me, the First Amendment needs more teeth **** As my bed is always best, as soon as I make it up, everyone piles in. |
Butters is a triple word score - for the win! |
Last but not least, a silly dog carving. It was for our neighbor down the road who has given us so many boxes of fabric. |
Love your dog carving! , and those tiny coiled baskets - what fun. Your kids must be so glad to be home-schooled now and away from the worries of gun violence in High School. The Cranberry Bread looks good. Off to look up a recipe . . .