Spring in the South brings on a second Fall as the Live Oak trees drop all of last years leaves while growing their new ones. As leaves on the roof are a big bad no no I dragged out the ladder today and clambered up to sweep them off.
A ladder + roof + kids = more things dragged up onto the roof to replace the leaves than even I was expecting.
Amanda and Simon spent hours playing at being vets on a roof which gives me my big brave mummy badge of the day. Our roof is WAY lower than many of the ones my brothers and I played on as kids but all of me wanted to keep yelling "Be CAREFUL"!!! instead of saying "have fun".
Two milkshakes, chocolate chips, many couch cushions, paper, art supplies, the vet box and many bed buddies all got to go onto the roof as well. Best of all? The kids put it all away when they were done. How cool is that?
Amanda sitting on couch cushions writing up the blood results in the sunshine. Up on a roof goes the song in my head! |
Devin was the photographer, hence the very odd views of Simon. |
Being a vet on a roof would make a good TV show, I think. |
Simon Vet Tech, holding the bed buddies for their exams. |
Nurf gun for shooting knock out darts. |
Spy's eye view. |
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