Pictures galore

Tired as a tired thing today as I have put 11 roosters in the fridge and that, believe me, is rather a lot of work. But I have been MIA with the blog lately so here you go, a few pictures just to keep everyone going. Three coil baskets I have made this week. I love this kind of basket making! Having said that, I have never made such tiny ones before! Seriously, how many people try to push something like this that they have to put a great big sign on it? Spicy goat pasties going into the oven for lunch. Mmmmmm pasties! Devin at his school workstation. Do you have any idea how hard it is to invent THREE computer workstations in a house only 800 sq ft under air? They are all very pleased with what I came up with though so job well done, me. Amanda at her newly made workstation. Take two salvaged deck boards and two bedside tables, some pretty fabric and Hey PRESTO!!! a desk is made! Home School, as you can ...