This is just a brief, Spring has Sprung update on the yard farm. The incubator has 71 quail eggs in it, due to hatch in 12 days.
Last week we took 28 chicken chicks out of it that are now keeping Butters company on the porch.
Sadly TK, Amanda's bunny, died of injuries sustained when he fell off of a table when playing with the cat. As rabbits hide any weakness (prey animals are like that) we thought he was getting better but sadly, that was not the case. As the table was only 18 inches high it should not have hurt him any to fall off of it but as they use to rocket round the porch so fast he must have been doing about 80 mph at the time. Butters kept him company through the 4 days he was poorly and misses him hugely.
The pregnant sow gave us four lovely baby boys. Mother nature loves to give me boys, I once hatched 7 eggs only to get 7 roosters. Did I need any roosters? Did I heck!
Last summers unused swimming pool is now home to 25 Tilapia, small still but growing.
All my lovely winter vegetables are now bolting due to the heat, it's high 80s now and only getting hotter.
I love the refrigerator-incubator! That's pretty damned clever 😀