
New uses for the trampoline

This blog is just a short fun one, mainly about, you guessed it, my new favorite game.  It's called how many new ways can I find to use a trampoline. A gate post for the light wire gate I had to make to keep Dude out of my vegetable garden while allowing me easy access.  He does MUCH more damage hunting rats then the actual rats do. Two of the thin, springy wire supports for the trampoline safety net hold up this bit of fence wire to protect the Day Lilies from, you guessed it, Dude.  He thinks sleeping in the flowers is just the bestest ever place to sleep.   Seriously, he may keep the bears out of the yard - which is a really good thing - but Dude can do more damage just by being a dog than most things can by trying really hard to wreck things.  Between them, he and the chickens destroyed weeks worth of work in the vegetable garden. So the chickens now live in their 10 foot by 10 foot pen (there are only 7 of them, soon to be 6) and I have had t...

Pictures galore

Tired as a tired thing today as I have put 11 roosters in the fridge and that, believe me, is rather a lot of work.  But I have been MIA with the blog lately so here you go, a few pictures just to keep everyone going. Three coil baskets I have made this week.  I love this kind of basket making! Having said that, I have never made such tiny ones before! Seriously, how many people try to push something like this that they have to put a great big sign on it? Spicy goat pasties going into the oven for lunch.  Mmmmmm pasties! Devin at his school workstation.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to invent THREE computer workstations in a house only 800 sq ft under air?  They are all very pleased with what I came up with though so job well done, me. Amanda at her newly made workstation.  Take two salvaged deck boards and two bedside tables, some pretty fabric and Hey PRESTO!!! a desk is made!  Home School, as you can ...

Yard Farmer Wildlife, Some Baking, And A Few Carvings.

Having spent most of my time lately either ****** contents deleted by me, the First Amendment needs more teeth ****, the yard has gotten a little out of hand so this last week I have spent some time outside, trying to get it back into order. So far, the tomatoes and peppers I planted earlier have set no fruit at all and done very little other than attract some rather large visitors. I am sorry for the out of focus snap but my camera phone sometimes will NOT get what I want and instead LOVES the background, much to my frustration. So far 5 of these beauties have wandered in to strip the plants back to bare twigs but, as they are not only a BEAUTIFUL adult moth but, like all life on our planet, they are under unceasing attack by human activity so instead of feeding them to the chickens, I just moved them back out of the yard. While working outside I have so far encountered - painfully - three stinging caterpillars.  I only managed to get pictures of two of them, the thir...
Just a few pictures today. I found my Celtic Cross book which fired me up to do a few carvings. And in the alchemy of trading, I have turned this wooden carving into two pigs.  How cool is that? Amanda being a HUGE help in holding the dried cowhide flat so I could get pictures of it to list on Etsy. Amanda's Canna Lily is looking great this year.  Very pink indeed. How can anyone not love treefrogs?   Heat index of just under 100 but there we are, out walking for our health.  Can you spot the ones NOT enjoying the walk? I love this picture of Devin. As you can tell from the mess surrounding it, this is made TOTALLY from scratch lasagna, just about to be popped into a hot oven to bake.  It was fantastic!  Worth all the work, which is saying something. A picture for Forrest, my mushroom hunting brother. Another walk for Simon's health.  Not sure how healthy it is walking in such heat...