Yard Farmer Wildlife, Some Baking, And A Few Carvings.

Having spent most of my time lately either ****** contents deleted by me, the First Amendment needs more teeth ****, the yard has gotten a little out of hand so this last week I have spent some time outside, trying to get it back into order. So far, the tomatoes and peppers I planted earlier have set no fruit at all and done very little other than attract some rather large visitors. I am sorry for the out of focus snap but my camera phone sometimes will NOT get what I want and instead LOVES the background, much to my frustration. So far 5 of these beauties have wandered in to strip the plants back to bare twigs but, as they are not only a BEAUTIFUL adult moth but, like all life on our planet, they are under unceasing attack by human activity so instead of feeding them to the chickens, I just moved them back out of the yard. While working outside I have so far encountered - painfully - three stinging caterpillars. I only managed to get pictures of two of them, the thir...