a bit of baking

Baking Dairy and Egg Free is more fun than I deserve! Although, to be honest, I have learned so many new things to cook and new ways to cook old family favorites that this has been more fun than not. And we have found a fantastic book, The Chemical Maze to help us find the food additives that affect Simon so badly so when my friend Missy said on Facebook that our house sounds like The Little House On The Prarie, she was spot on. There are no more food shortcuts for us, EVERYTHING we used to use has things that Simon cannot have so back to basics we go. Flour, sugar, yeast (although I am about to try sourdough to save that money) single item canned goods like tomatoes and corn and organic, soy free, livestock feed is about all we buy anymore. Oh, and 15-pound bags of organic juicing carrots as carrots can bulk out anything. I will admit, the first recipe is neither egg nor dairy free but is so good that I had to add it. Remember, ORGA...