Holiday Rats!

Spending Christmas with the kids - it was my turn this year - was lovely. I spent several days leading up to the day making their stockings (wet felting) as we had lost last years in the move and anyway, in my attempts to remove all fabrics from our lives that are not 100% natural fiber, I probably sent them to a charity shop sometime this year so needed new ones anyway. The stockings were such fun to make that once done, I went ahead and made myself a pair of slipper shoes using my "shades of green" wool. Soled with scraps of leather and finished off with a band of rabbit fur, they look fantastic and are so warm that I can only wear them on really cold days. Florida has so many of those, doesn't it? The finished stocking. Wet felted with needle felted letters and finished off with white rabbit fur. As the kids were sick on the run up to their Christmas school break I didn't get the chance to make their presents when they were at school....