Rabbits, Rabbits and More Rabbits!
AKA Boring Bunnies! Well, that's what some people (who shall remain named Mumster) call them! If chickens are gateway livestock, rabbits are pure crack. Totally addictive and you simply can't have just one or two. Even when you think "Just one more, I can stop at that!" you are soooooo lying. Like for an alcoholic,"One drink is one too many and a thousand are never enough." That's rabbits! Amanda, Simon and Flower. Flower is due to give us babies (called Kits) this week. Now, a bit of back story to put today's rabbits in their proper place and order ... We - mum, myself, two younger brothers and my grandparents - (granddad being an ex-pat Brit, specifically a Geordie), lived in Merry Olde in 1989-1990 and at that time found it to be the most expensive place to live in the WORLD!!! And, as only Mum and I were totally happy there, we all eventually up sticks and moved back to the States. As I said, mum and I w...